

An overview of the 4 tools that we use to create projects among the youth in Namibia

  • OYO Magazine

    The ‘OYO, young, latest and cool’ magazine is the oldest OYO project. The first issue was produced in 2002. It started as a 4-page newsletter and is now a 73-page glossy magazine.

  • OYO Dance Troupe

    The OYO Dance Troupe is a branch of the Ombetja Yehinga Organisation Trust. Created in 2008, it followed on from the success of OYO’s production ‘The Namibian Odysseus’.

  • OYO Films

    Since 2006, OYO has produced various educational DVDs and developed a unique approach to inviting young people (18 to 23-year-old) and having them engage in writing workshops.

  • OYO Youth Groups

    OYO has since 2006 been working with unemployed out-of-school youth groups and trained them in theatre, dancing and singing. Training is always done under a specific theme relevant to the youth of Namibia.